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In a novel approach to collectible card games, LUME brings to life a delicate and ornate 'origami' style where magic seems to unfold before your eyes. Leaping from the traditional card games of the past, the  fantasy world of Lumeria is brought right off the table and revels openly on your screen. With graphics full of rich color, dynamic patterns, and clean creases, LUME is sure to delight anyone who loves to hold the power in their hands.


LUME is a game about color. Long ago, in the world of Lumeria, color was absent. There was only white light, surrounded in black nothingness. The pureness of white bore everything that was--a cradle of creation to all creatures, that walked Lumeria; humans, that called it home; and essence of magic.


 But magic was unobtainable and intangible to humans. It lit, and it bled, through everything--but they could not sway it.  A natural billow and wane lofted between the light and the nothingness. A slight shimmer in strands of white through dark, or a creeping trickle of black through light, but ever in a balance. 


Until, the schism. 


Suddenly, the dark punctured the light. A sharp inhale of something masking and solid. 


But the light did not dim. It did not get consumed. It parted, and it burst. It erupted in a show of vibrant colors. Out spilt red, green, blue, violet, and gold, with white and with black, all flowing in pristine, chaotic waves. 


In this new form, the humans could channel it. They could sense its forms, its vibrations, its folds. They could make it sway. They could pluck pieces from the sky and hold it. 


He is called The Great Creator. A human who has since ascended as a legendary sorcerer was the very first to build a device, a hex shard, of which a human could use to capture not only magic but an entire spell. With his discovery, humans could now carry magic over long distances in silken hex bags and perform great powerful spells over many days.


A group of humans, who were especially keen with this new magic--known as the First Circle--sought to do more. This magical font that had curiously burst forth upon them--they devoted an eternity to the pursuit of siphoning it all; to control it; for humanity to wield it.


 What the First could not know, is that to wield this magic is to be slowly consumed by it. They lived for many generations, absorbing everything there was about these colors, until finally they ascended. Finally, they harnessed such a level of power that nothing could contain them. But for something so magnificent, how could humanity afford to give it back? And so, in time, they became a form that we nor they could any longer recognize. They exist only by name, an effigy to their former self, left ever more as a vessel; borne to unleash upon the new sorcerers of the Second Age the colorful wonder-- and soon bear witness to the day that, they too, ascend.


Here, at Entropy Studios, we are attempting something phenomenal. We want to herald in the next generation of the CCG Genre. With things moving in the way of digital gaming, we’ve approached everything with a “WHY NOT?!”. Playing a tabletop-based game on a digital platform grants us endless possibilities.

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